Abdimas Universal 2024-03-24T10:26:22+00:00 Ryan Angga Pratama Open Journal Systems <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/favicon.jpg"></p> Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Siswa TK sebagai Upaya Deteksi Dini Permasalahan Kesehatan Anak 2023-12-22T19:20:52+00:00 Siti Munawaroh <p><em>The optimal growth and development of children hinge on their health, which serves as the primary foundation. Given their susceptibility to diverse diseases, it is imperative to safeguard the health of children. Early detection of potential health issues stands out as a crucial method for ensuring the well-being of children. This community service initiative aims to carry out health assessments for children enrolled in private kindergarten schools in Surakarta. The objective is to identify and address health problems in children at an early stage. Doctors conduct these health examinations for a total of 123 kindergarten students, comprising 72 males and 51 females across different levels. Beyond the physical examinations, doctors also deliver educational sessions on children's health concerns to individual students and their class teachers, with the intention of disseminating this information to the students' parents. The predominant health issue among students is dental caries, affecting 54% (67 students). Following this, issues such as ear hygiene, enlarged tonsils, and colds are sequentially observed. Through these health assessments, the hope is to detect various health problems early on and implement timely preventive measures to uphold the overall well-being of children.</em></p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pendampingan Pembuatan Produk Inovasi Olahan Ikan Asin pada Kelompok Nelayan RT 48 Kelurahan Manggar 2024-01-07T16:59:03+00:00 Ugroseno Damara Prasadhana Handoyo Shofa Agustina Nazhiifah Oktavia Effendy Ade Riyan Saputra Suci Patiasari Annisa Tahir Pagau <p><em>Innovation Development (PI) is an activity dedicated by STIE Madani </em><em>Balikpapan </em><em>students to Micro Small and Medium </em><em>Enterprise (MSME)</em><em> actors in one of the villages in Balikpapan </em><em>c</em><em>ity. The target of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises targeted by the group of 7 PI students of STIE Madani Balikpapan is the Fishermen Group in RT 48 Manggar Village, East Balikpapan District. The program was carried out with the cooperation of POKJA II Manggar Village, Family Welfare Empowerment Group and PT Pamapersada Nusantara Balikpapan. The objectives of Innovation Development activities are: </em><em>1) </em><em>Helping with the processing of innovation products from salted fish; 2) Helping in the product packaging sticker design; 3) Helping in providing entrepreneurship knowledge through entrepreneurship seminar activities; </em><em>and </em><em>4) Helping in the formation and inauguration of small micro enterprises groups and a new medium for the people of the RT 48 Fishery Group, Manggar Village. The result of Innovation Development in the RT 48 Manggar Village fishermen group is to form an MSME and produce an innovative product in the form of salted basreng fish, where salted fish is the catch of fishermen in RT 48 Manggar Village</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pelatihan Pendampingan Pastoral Usia Lanjut Bagi Asisten Imam di Paroki Santo Yohanes Pemandi Keuskupan Malang 2024-01-07T16:54:43+00:00 Yohanes Subasno Rosalia Wiwin Fabianus Selatang Martinus Irwan Yulius <p><em>Elderly Catholics in Santo Yohanes Pemandi Parish of Malang Diocese are no longer able to celebrate Weekly Mass in church due to their physical limitations. As lay people, the elderly have the right to receive pastoral guidance to confirm their faith in their old age. The number of priest is only one person and serves more than 1500 parishioners, it is not possible for priest to provide pastoral guidance to one elderly person by one. Assistant priest is appointed by the Bishop of Malang Diocese to assist priestly duties in the Parish. Assistant priests have limited knowledge and skills to provide pastoral care to the elderly. A model of pastoral assistance and training is needed for them to be able to assist the priest's duties in pastoral guidance for the elderly. The pastoral guidance model is developed and assessed by competent validators. The training was conducted five times, each lasting 90 minutes on the Sunday after mass. The training model pattern includes material delivery, question and answer, discussion, conclusions, and role playing. Testimonials from assistant priests stated that the training they participated in enabled them to carry out pastoral guidance for elderly Catholics in their work areas.</em></p> 2024-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Peningkatan Minat Bakat Robot pada Siswa SMP/MTs di Kelurahan Tanjung Harapan, Samboja Timur, Kutai Kartanegara 2024-01-24T13:58:52+00:00 Andi Asni B. Aswadul Fitri Saiful Rahman Anwar Fattah Diah Patriana Setianingsih Khairunnisa Nurhandayani Mayda Waruni Kasrani <p><em>Technology is always developing every year. In the technological development of Industrial Revolution 4.0, human work is almost dominated by automation systems, artificial intelligence</em><em>,</em><em> and the Internet of Things (IoT). The basis for the application of these three types of technology is robot technology that can move in simple or complex ways. The results </em><em>Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro</em> Indonesia<em> (FORTEI) meeting showed a decrease in interest in new engineering students in 2020 by 2.3%. This has an impact on human resources who do not understand technology which is constantly changing so that it can affect the use of domestic technologyThe method of delivering material, discussion and direct testing of tools is used to increase demand related to electricity and robots in the form of training activities. This training is targeted at SMP/MTs students because at this level students develop their knowledge and curiosity. After the training was carried out, there was an increase in students' understanding and interest by 45%.</em></p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Penguatan Praktik Pemberian Makanan pada Bayi dan Anak (PMBA) Melalui Simulasi dan Demonstrasi Pemberian MP-ASI 2024-01-24T13:57:37+00:00 Yudianti Yudianti Hapzah Hapzah Nurliah Nurliah Nurbaya Nurbaya <p><em>West Sulawesi Province is the highest province with stunting above the WHO cut-off (20%), where the incidence of stunting in West Sulawesi is 39.7%. One of the causes of growth and development disorders for babies and children aged 6 to 23 months in Indonesia is the low level of knowledge and practice of providing exclusive breastfeeding, the low quality of complementary feeding. This activity aimed to train and strengthen the practice of giving complementary foods to toddlers by simulating and demonstrating giving complementary foods in accordance with WHO standards. The methods used are counseling, simulation and demonstration of complementary feeding patterns. The target was 30 mothers of toddlers and 5 posyandu cadres. There was an increase in participants' knowledge from 60% to 97% and participants were able to demonstrate the practice of providing MP-ASI based on local food well. It is important to frequently refresh the pattern of giving complementary foods to mothers in groups so that mothers can share knowledge and support each other in practicing the right pattern of giving complementary foods</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pengabdian pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Darul Huffaz tentang Kebersihan Toilet dan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun 2024-01-24T14:01:37+00:00 Wayan Aryawati Angeli Natasha. HS Desy Adelia Fitri Oktavianasari FITRIOK@GMAIL.COM Mega Alamzarwati Meisya Rahma Syifa Reni Rianti Siti Nur Aziza Veronika Ardana Wita Dinarti Renita Saputri <p><em>Toilet is a crucial sanitation facility for the disposal of human waste and handwashing, playing a pivotal role in maintaining the cleanliness and health of individuals and communities. Handwashing with Soap (HWS) is a vital practice for cleaning hands from dirt, serving to prevent the spread of disease-causing germs, including diarrhea, helminthiasis, and Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs). This devotion aims to understand the health history through the practice of HWS at Darul Huffaz Islamic Boarding School in Pesawaran Regency. The research method employs SWOT Analysis as a practical tool to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the existing issues. Community Service Activities (CSA) are carried out through the dissemination of information on toilet hygiene and HWS, as well as the production of natural ingredient-based handwashing soap, particularly using Aloe vera. The results of the CSA activities indicate that the dissemina-tion and demonstration of toilet hygiene and HWS are effective, with participants motivated to maintain toilet cleanliness and adopt a healthy and hygienic lifestyle (PHBS). The conclusion reveals that these activities provide positive benefits for students and the boarding school's management. Through training methods, interactive discussions, demonstrations, and practical soap-making sessions, participants can acquire valuable knowledge and skills. This activity involves 50 participants and takes place in the girls' prayer room at Darul Huffaz Islamic Boarding School.</em></p> 2024-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Penyuluhan dan Pendampingan Pembuatan Peraturan Desa tentang Penerbitan Hewan Ternak di Desa Adolang Dhua Kecamatan Pamboang, Kabupaten Majene 2024-01-07T16:56:36+00:00 Ardiansyah Ardiansyah Aminuddin Aminuddin Ahmad Abbas Muhammad Aswad Abdul Gaffar Haris Nur Iman Saal <p><em>This Community Service activity is a continuation of the socialization activities of LKBH Abdi Keadilan in Adolang Dhua Village. During the activity, questions arose from various communities and confessions from the Village Head who asked how law enforcement against livestock that entered the yard and damaged residents' agricultural land. Because there are no clear rules at the village level regarding efforts to reduce the wildness of livestock that enter the community's cultivation and agriculture, the village head cannot provide solutions to the problem of livestock entering residents' land. Therefore, disputes between land-owning farmers and livestock owners are frequent. The Community Service methodology used is action research, one type of action research that is often known is Participation Action Research (PAR). That based on the results of community service activities on mentoring and drafting Adolang Dhua village regulations on Livestock Control using the Participation Action Research (PAR) method has run smoothly</em><em>. T</em><em>he service team together with elements of the Adolang Dhua Village government, namely members of the Village Consultative Body and the Head of Adolang Dhua Village have succeeded in drafting Village Regulations that are in accordance with the proposals and expectations of the village community Adolang Dhua. </em></p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Penerapan Teknologi Atap Skylight pada Bentuk Atap Pelana Bangunan di Depok, Indonesia 2024-02-08T08:45:14+00:00 Dyah Nurwidyaningrum Tri Wulan Sari Linda Sari Wulandari Ega Edistria Darul Nurjanah Rita Farida Eri Ester Khairas Siti Aisyah <p><em>The purpose of this community service is to implement a skylight roof on the main Biman Foundation building and increase the natural lighting entering the room from the initial 100 lux to 300 lux.</em> <em>The activity began by conducting a survey of the building to discuss permits and manufacturing location.</em> <em>Next, design preparation and RAB calculations for the skylight roof are carried out, followed by making a 3-dimensional DED (Detail Engineering Design) drawing.</em> <em>Then, cost calculations and material surveys are carried out in accordance with the budget and design specifications.</em> <em>Then, coordination was carried out with the Biman Foundation in determining the implementation time, all preparations, such as purchasing and placing materials at the location, as well as registering local residents who were willing to participate in the implementation of the skylight roof renovation.</em> <em>The results obtained can be installed with a skylight roof.</em> <em>The benefit to the foundation is that the natural lighting entering the room increases from the initial 100 lux to 300 lux.</em> <em>So, you can save electricity usage during the day.</em></p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Edukasi Literasi Digital Marketing Bagi Pelaku UMKM di Pasar Sentral Medan 2024-02-16T08:03:47+00:00 Irma Christiana Chinta Felsya Fransisca Alyssia Putri Manurung Septia Mayang Saputri Diah Ayu Zahra <p><em>The aim of this activity is to enhance knowledge and skills in digital marketing and e-commerce for micro, small and medium enterprises in an effort to increase their sales and profits. The methods </em><em>used in this activity include: explanations, sharing and discussion experiences, as well as direct practice of creating a Shopee account and how to make it attractive to buyers</em><em>. The object is the "Pulungan Fashion" store located on the 2nd floor kiosks No. 508–509 of the Central Market of Medan. The results showed that MSMEs perpetrators never used digital marketing because of a lack of technological skills. However, they showed great interest in using digital marketing and e-commerce sustainably.</em></p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pelatihan Pengenalan First Aid dan Bantuan Hidup Dasar untuk Para Kader di Desa Karangmulya, Kecamatan Bojongmangu 2024-02-08T08:51:57+00:00 Rini Nurdini Ummu Habibah Lusi Noviyanti <p><em>First Aid in Accidents was a temporary relief and treatment effort for accident victims before receiving more complete assistance from health workers. This cannot be done if the community as the front guard does not have the understanding and skills in initial treatment. First aid was important for accident victims to avoid death or disability. Knowledge of Basic Life Support (BLS) was very necessary to handle these cases. This activity aims to increased knowledge and skills in providing Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Cadres in Karangmulya village. The method used is training for cadres. The results of the t-test showed that the average pre-test knowledge of the training participants was 4.91 with a median of 4.5 for the pre-test, a standard deviation of 1.130 and an average post-test knowledge score of 6.67 with a standard deviation of 0.89 and a median of 7.00. It can be concluded that there was an increase in knowledge after training with an average difference of 2 scores. This data also shows that cadres are an asset as ordinary people are quick to receive information and learning for emergencies. It is hoped that this activity will be carried out periodically.</em></p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Ruang Oven di Industri Jasa Finishing Mebel 2023-10-13T07:53:51+00:00 Achmad Zainudin Nur Aeni Widiastuti <p><em>Sukosono Village is located in Kedung District, Jepara Regency. There are 9 Furniture Finishing Services businesses. To purchase furniture products, buyers can buy ready-made products or products that have not been finished or what is usually called raw. To purchase raw products, buyers must go to a finishing service to process the final product to make it better. HD Furniture is a business group engaged in finishing services in Sukosono village which the team will make a partner in this service. Production per day can produce 5-6 products. For marketing areas in Jepara and Palembang.</em> <em>The problems that exist for Partners are</em><em>:</em><em> (1) Orders are increasing but the equipment they have for the production process has low capacity, (2) at the spraying stage (coating) there are still problems with humidity resulting in finishing defects (condensation, white spots on the surface layer of the product) , (3) Layout and Quality Control are still minimal.</em> <em>The solution offered is socialization and assistance in making oven room technology for post-finishing, workshops on finishing techniques, workshops on layout and quality control. The output of this activity is that production capacity</em><em> and quality product</em><em> has</em><em> been</em><em> increased by 100%, and H</em><em>uman </em><em>R</em><em>esource</em><em> skills have increased by 100%.</em></p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Edukasi Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (IPEC) pada Tenaga Kesehatan Puskesmas 2024-02-08T08:46:37+00:00 Siti Munawaroh Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari Veronika Ika Budiastuti Yunia Hastami Atik Maftuhah Bulan Kakanita Hermasari Dian Nugroho Aldira Ayu Nastiti Nur Hanifah Afifah Nurul Izzah <p><em>Collaboration in health services is an important thing to implement. With good collaboration, we can provide quality services and support patient health and comfort. Without good collaboration between health workers, medical errors can result. One of the obstacles faced by clinical supervisors in the field is that they have not received education related to IPEC when they study. So they have difficulty teaching IPEC. Therefore, training is needed regarding the implementation of IPEC for health workers in educational facilities such as community health centers. This community service aims to conduct IPEC training for health workers at the Karangdowo health center, Klaten.</em> <em>Service activities begin with socialization about IPEC, followed by assessing perceptions regarding interprofessional collaboration from health workers using the ISVS (Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale) </em><strong>–</strong> <em>9A questionnaire.</em> <em>The service was attended by 30 participants from various health professions at the Puskesmas. The results of the assessment of perceptions of interprofessional collaboration obtained a scale score of 4-7 (medium-very large) indicating that the perception of health workers at the Karangdowo Health Center is good..</em> <em>IPEC counseling plays an important role in increasing collaboration capabilities between health workers at Community Health Centers</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-03-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang Sebagai Perencanaan KB Pascasalin dalam Kelas Ibu Hamil 2024-03-06T22:13:12+00:00 Mirawati Mirawati Afiatun Rahmah Noradina Anggi Agustin Rahma Alifhia Ariana Gisna Saufita <p><em>Knowledge and implementation of the use of contraceptive methods, especially Long-Term Contraceptive Methods (LTCM), is currently still low. In fact, LTCM has several advantages such as a high level of effectiveness, low failure rate, fewer complications or side effects experienced by clients when compared to other contraceptive methods. Pregnant women's classes can be a forum for good socialization of LTCM for planning the use of postpartum contraception. This community service aims to increase public knowledge about LTCM so that it can increase the use of LTCM in the community. The method used in implementing this community service is counseling about LTCM using leaflets and educational videos. The conclusion obtained was that there was an increase in knowledge about LTCM from 75% to 91% and of the 15 participants there were 5 participants who planned to use IUDs and implants as contraception options after postpartum. The hope is that midwives will actively play a role in every counseling exercise for the community so that the community's desire and interest in using long-term contraceptives increases</em></p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Program Skrining Keliling Tekanan Darah Sebagai Langkah Awal Deteksi Dini Hipertensi di Dusun Badengan, Desa Kluncing, Kecamatan Licin, Banyuwangi 2024-03-06T22:15:52+00:00 Melati Octavia Febriana Septa Indra Puspikawati Diansanto Prayoga Avila Abilia Firrial Eksa Uyun Loveni Anggi Margareta Putri Nur Oktario Dinansa Nafkha Nisa Lailatu Rohmah Imelda Damayanti Muhamad Isa Fertika Nanda <p><em>Hypertension is one of the most prevalent NCDs. The importance of controlling NCDs is due to the high incidence and mortality rates. NCD control is better with early prevention, especially in Kluncing Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi.. One of the early prevention is the existence of the Blood Pressure Mobile Screening Program as an Early Step for Early Detection of Hypertension in Badengan Hamlet, Kluncing Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi. The goal of this program is to focus on early detection of hypertension and enable earlier identification of cases. Early detection is crucial to prevent serious complications that can arise from hypertension, such as heart disease and stroke. In addition, by bringing screening services closer to the community, this program can improve the accessibility of health services. The method of implementation begins with program planning, problem identification, priority determination, causes of problems, alternative solutions, preparation of a proposed plan to plan implementation. This program is implemented through door to door screening using blood pressure and education about hypertension, as well as involving the Licin Health Center in handling people with hypertension. Based on the results of blood pressure measurements, 91 people (28%) had normal blood pressure, 153 people (46.5%) had prehypertension, 60 people (18%) had grade 1 hypertension, and 25 people (7.5%) had grade 2 hypertension. In its implementation, the performance indicator has reached the target of 52.55% or 329 community members who were screened for hypertension by measuring blood pressure. This shows that the hypertension screening program is running effectively and achieving its goal of detecting hypertension in the community.</em></p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Workshop “Short Story Writing on Family and Friend Theme” untuk Mengurangi Kecemasan Menulis Berbahasa Asing 2024-03-06T22:18:53+00:00 Ratri Harida Rizki Mustikasari Siti Munifah Fitriana Kartikasari <p><em>EFL learners</em><em>’ a</em><em>nxiety occur</em><em>s</em><em> due to lack of experience and confidence in using the language. Writing short stories can be a medium for conveying moral message</em><em>,</em><em> or life values ​​to readers. Steps for writing a short story based on the creative writing process in the Jabrohim Workshop/service training related to knowledge and skills regarding writing short stories in English for students at Madiun </em><em>Recency</em><em> attended by 23 students. The workshop "Short Story Writing on Family and Friend Theme for Students throughout the Madiun </em><em>Regency</em><em> was held at </em><em>Graha </em><em>Saraswati STKIP PGRI Ponorogo in three sessions: material presentation, demonstration, and a clinical session on short story creation. Based on the results of the Post-Questionnaire given at the end of the workshop</em><em>, m</em><em>ost participants (84%) stated that this training helped increase their confidence in using English to write about family and friends. This workshop was also considered quite helpful (51%) in reducing anxiety </em><em>on</em><em> writing short stories in English. In terms of student performance, 76% of participants rated the performance of the presenters as good, 24% rated it as good, and only 2% said it was not good. 82% of participants also agreed to further training regarding writing short stories in English with different themes.</em></p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pilot Project Program Duta Diabetes: Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Diabetes Tipe 2 di Provinsi Riau, Fase Rekruitmen 2024-02-29T16:45:33+00:00 Nila Kusumawati Abdul Hamid Salsabilla Adilia Anwar Endang Suswati <p><em>The Diabetes Ambassador Program is a program initiated by the Indonesian Diabetes Center at Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai University as an effort to prevent and treat diabetes in society. This program aims to help villages that experience a shortage of health human resources. The Diabetes Ambassador Program is carried out by recruiting and preparing village teenagers to become an extension of the community health center in preventing diabetes in the village. The Diabetes Ambassador Program pilot project was carried out in Pantai Cermin Village, Tapung District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province, which is recorded as one of the villages that contributes the most to diabetes in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The Pilot project for the Diabetes Ambassador Program begins with a recruitment stage where village teenagers who are interested in becoming diabetes ambassadors take part in a selection process to be appointed as diabetes ambassadors.</em></p> 2024-03-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pembuatan Papan Edukasi Sejarah Cagar Budaya Meriam Jepang di Kelurahan Baru Tengah, Balikpapan 2024-03-06T22:14:28+00:00 Rahayu Sri Waskitoningtyas Jordy Saputra Deanisa Putri Adinda Amelia Dwi Anita Grasela Tulung Allo Arman Sulfian Dani Deo Ramadhan Pramudia Arzelingga Muharam Habil Ashari Elok Fatoroni Arpan Purba <p><em>Cultural heritage is the nation's cultural wealth as a form of thought and behavior in human life which is important for the understanding and development of history, science and culture in social, national and state life so it needs to be preserved and managed appropriately through efforts to protect, develop and utilize in order to advance national culture for the greatest prosperity of the people. After conducting a survey, it was found that there was one cultural heritage that did not have an educational board on the history of the Japanese cannon cultural heritage at that location, making visitors who came to the location of the Japanese Cannon Cultural Heritage less aware of when and how the history of the Japanese cannon came to be in Balikpapan City. Therefore, this educational board on the history of Japanese cannons was created to make it easier for visitors who come to the Japanese Cannon Cultural Heritage location to find out the history of these cannons. The educational board is made with galvanized iron and an acrylic board written on with a white marker with a black acrylic base color. This educational board is placed in front of the Japanese cannon location with a height of 1.5meters to make it easier for children to read.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pemasangan Mirror Safety Dalam Upaya Menekan Angka Kecelakaan Berkendara di RT 002 Kelurahan Karang Rejo 2024-03-07T08:50:03+00:00 Lina Yuliana Muhammad Wahid Nugroho <p><em>The installation of convex mirror aims to reduce the number of accidents in the Gang Rambutan RT 002. This road is the entrance to the main road in Karang Rejo Village, so traffic is heavy every day. Convex mirror are additional road equipment designed to improve visibility for drivers. These convex mirror are usually installed on the side of the road where the driver's view is very limited or obstructed, especially around sharp turns. In this activity, convex mirror were installed in two locations in Karang Rejo RT 002 Village. The location was determined after coordinating with Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa, Head of Village Karang Rejo and the Head of RT 002. From this adjustment, it was found that convex mirror was installed in two locations, namely the first point on the main road RT 002 Gang Rambutan and the second point in intersection Gang Rambutan RT 002. After the convex mirror components are installed first, the installation is carried out throughout the day. Therefore, when installing, simply insert it into the hole provided. Based on the results of the review one week after installation, the existence of this convex mirror has benefited the community, increasing the visibility of Gang Rambutan RT 002.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Penyuluhan CTPS Kepada Siswa/i SDN 013 di Makroman Kelurahan Sindang Sari 2024-02-28T09:21:49+00:00 Fikal Setiawan Devi Yanti Muhammad Wisnu Dwi Anggara Azzahra Shafa Salsabila Nur Annisa Afifah Rusdi Rusdi Muhammad Habibi <p><em>Hansd washing </em><em>with Soap (CTPS) is considered the most fundamental method in preventing the spread of communicable diseases, with an effectiveness rate of 80% in addressing common infections and 45% in preventing more serious diseases. Proper hand</em> <em>washing can prevent various illnesses such as diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, hepatitis, typhoid, and bird flu, which often lead to fatalities in the community, especially among children. This community service aims to enhance the knowledge of fourth-grade students at SDN 013 Makroman Sindang Sari Subdistrict, Samarinda City, through the promotion of Hand</em> <em>washing with Soap (CTPS). The community service method employed includes demonstration-based education and measurement using the One Group Pre-test and Post-test design. The activities are conducted directly, delivered informally to the students of fourth-grade classes at SDN 013 Makroman. The results show an improvement in knowledge among students in classes IV-A and IV-B regarding CTPS behavior. The mean pre-test scores of 41.82 and 44.00 increased to 73.64 and 81.60, respectively. The (2-tailed) significance level &lt; 0.05 indicates a significant difference between knowledge before and after the education. It is expected that the school authorities can periodically promote awareness, and families can monitor the continuity of students in adopting proper handwashing as a daily habit in accordance with the steps of CTPS.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pengembangan Calligraphy on Leaf Skeleton Sebagai UMKM Pendukung Wisata Religi Kudus Berbasis Gusjigang 2024-03-06T22:17:29+00:00 Sulasfiana Alfi Raida Mulyaningrum Lestari Ita Rakhmawati Hani Hiqmatunnisa Ratih Listya Raharjo <p><em>C</em><em>alligraphy is a work of art that is in demand by many people as a means of increasing faith and piety. In Kudus there is a community of calligraphy activists from the Asy Syauq community. The media commonly used is paper, and sometimes canvas. One of the innovative media that can be used as a means to convey calligraphic works of art is the leaf frame. This work of calligraphy art on leaf skeleton media has the potential to be developed into a product for MSMEs in the Kudus. This is because Kudus is a religious tourist city with many visitors from various regions. This service is carried out by providing assistance to the Asy Syauq calligrapher community to develop Calligraphy on Leaf Skeleton and providing assistance to developing MSMEs that support religious tourism in the District. Kudus by applying Gusjigang business ethics. The Asy Syauq calligrapher community carried out the marketing results as MSMEs are starting to attract interest from various groups. Thus, there is a need for further dedication to developing MSMEs to further support religious tourism in the Kudus.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal The Sosialisasi Good Manufacturing Practice Kepada UMKM Kuliner Kelurahan Karang Rejo 2024-03-07T08:48:55+00:00 Lina Yuliana Gerry Rayhard Tangkilisan <p><em>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in the Indonesian economy, both in terms of the number of businesses and job creation. However, due to the lack of awareness of MSME actors of state standardization in the form of procedures established in a food management. The socialization of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) aims to increase the awareness of MSME actors of state standardization in the form of procedures applied in culinary management, with the hope of producing food and beverage products that are of much higher quality and can increase business profits. Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a way of management and work methods that are in accordance with standards for producing food and beverages that are safe, quality and suitable for consumption. This socialization activity is divided into several stages, namely; location survey, literature study, making activity materials, preparation and implementation, evaluation. The targets of this activity are culinary MSME players in Karang Rejo Village, by first analyzing the problems faced by MSME players. Based on the results of this activity, MSME business owners will understand the importance of processing quality food products and be able to apply Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in processing and producing quality and safe products for consumers so that in terms of packaging and sanitary hygiene so as to increase sales profits.</em></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Pengarahan Tentang Membangun Branding Merk Melalui Digital Marketing Menggunakan Media Sosial “Batik Semoi Nusantara” 2024-03-15T19:03:32+00:00 Marsius Ferdnian Muhammad Abdul Ghani Athifa Zahra Aprilia Kurnia Putri Ika Septiani Taufan Maharani Friska Marsanda Emeraldy Nur Adam Agchel Randa Bandaso Bagus Ferry Prasetyo Husniyah Husniyah Fadhila Nayla Nugroho Putri <p><em>The briefing on building Branding through Digital Marketing is the first step to creating modern MSMEs. This work program is used in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program by students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Balikpapan University in Argo Mulyo Village. This briefing aims to introduce products to potential consumers and increase product sales with a wider scope through Digital Marketing promotions. Batik Semoi Nusantara in Argo Mulyo Village is a Village-Owned Enterprise which produces handicrafts in the form of batik. The batik craftsmen are members of the Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) in Argo Mulyo Village. The method implemented is guidance on how to promote Batik Semoi Nusantara products through digital marketing using social media such as Instagram as well as contributing to the creation of catalogues, business cards and feed templates for Instagram. The results of this briefing show increased awareness and understanding of Batik Semoi Nusantara in managing and using Digital Marketing through social media as a means of introducing and promoting batik products.</em></p> 2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Sosialisasi Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Pancasila di SD Negeri 004 Babulu 2024-03-06T22:21:55+00:00 Imam Arrywibowo Muhammad Dede Lajuardi Saputra Raihan Satria W. Nita Afianti Windy Eka Ramadhani Muhammad William H. Tiara Manda A. Nita Julita Roslin Siregar Yayang Chandrakusuma Seli Seli <p><em>Pancasila is the philosophy of the Indonesian nation which is a guideline for behavior designed in accordance with the culture of the Indonesian nation which has eastern customs. So it is important for Indonesian people to practice the values of Pancasila. Elementary school students' lack of knowledge about Pancasila and students' low awareness of implementing Pancasila values is the urgency of Pancasila as a state ideology. For this reason, the service team carries out socialization of Pancasila-based character education to elementary school students. The service method used is field observation and studying phenomena directly. This socialization is intended for students at SD Negeri 004 Babulu. In this activity the methods used are presentation of material, short discussion and documentation. This Pancasila-based character education socialization activity aims to develop students who have noble character, character and integrity in accordance with the values contained in Pancasila. The results obtained from this service are increasing students' knowledge about Pancasila, forming students' character based on Pancasila, instilling Pancasila values and making students aware of how to apply Pancasila in everyday life.</em></p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Sosialisasi Pencegahan Kebakaran di Selili Kelurahan Manggar RT 42 Kecamatan Balikpapan Timur 2024-02-28T09:10:25+00:00 Nadi Hernadi Moorcy Felix Kitto Liman Lim Iswandi Iswandi Dinda Dita Rahayu Latifatul Aulia Annisa Annisa Nabillah Choirun Nisa Farhan Budiman Chandra Aditya W. Alfian Ersar Anggara Arsenius Darmawan Orlando <p><em>Fire disasters are one of the disasters that often occur in the wider community, be it office environments, residences, or other places of activity. One of them is in densely populated environments, the occurrence of fire disasters themselves has many factors, but in general these fire disasters occur in caused by human factors, which are none other than negligence, such as using electrical loads that exceed the power capacity and forgetting to turn off tools that are sources of heat, such as stoves and irons. One effort to reduce the occurrence of this fire disaster is by providing Fire Prevention Socialization to the surrounding community. The aim of this service itself is to provide insight into how to prevent and deal with fire disasters, which is carried out using lecture methods and direct simulation methods by the material givers. By carrying out this socialization, it is hoped that the surrounding community will be able to apply the methods taught during the simulation. if a fire disaster occurs in the surrounding area.</em></p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Penyuluhan Pencegahan Demam Dengue dan Pelatihan Juru Pemantau Jentik (Jumantik) di Desa Seri Kembang III Ogan Ilir 2024-03-15T19:06:37+00:00 Ahmad Ghiffari Gumar Herudiansyah Gusmiatun Gusmiatun Helwan Kasra Sulton Nawawi Amira Azza Nabila Sinta Nabila <p><em>Cases of Dengue Fever (DF) increased in Seri Kembang III Village, and a child died with three childreen hospitalized at the Regional Hospital in Ogan Ilir Regency. The government increase awareness by increasing public knowledge and skills by collaborating with academia. Students of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang (UMP) Community Service Program (KKN) collaborated with Faculty of Medicine UMP to performed counseling activities and training for larva monitoring (Jumantik). Activities include counseling and evaluating the level of community knowledge through pretest and posttest. The training includes skills to identify mosquito larvae, which was followed by checking the homes of people affected. by DD to educate and find out the breeding habitat for Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae in the environment around residential areas. The participants' knowledge showed an increase regarding the symptoms, causes, prevention and role of jumantik as seen from the development of the pretest posttest results which increased significantly and the enthusiasm shown by the participants in the question and answer session with the resource person. It is hoped that activities like this can be carried out again by KKN students to provide education to local village residents and help residents increase awareness of the transmission of dengue fever (DHF).</em></p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Edukasi Pengajaran Sikap Sopan Santun di Rumah dan Sekolah Sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Karakter Siswa 2024-03-15T19:05:38+00:00 Dwi Surya Saputra Alex Kisanjani Nadya Novia Rahman <p><em>Currently, students' social politeness is starting to fade. This is influenced by the development of information technology, cultural modernization and free association. In fact, this attitude is important as a basis for forming a generation of quality and noble character. The aim of this activity is to increase understanding and awareness of the importance of polite culture for elementary school students at SDIT Ma'Arif Sepaku. The method used in this activity is scientific methods of lectures, counseling, training and interactive activities involving students. The results of this work program increase students' understanding of how to interact politely with teachers, parents and peers. Students can also apply the culture of politeness in various situations in everyday life so that they can increase the cultural values of politeness at home and at school.</em></p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Gerakan Aksi Nyata Program “Ayo, Tanam Seledri Sebagai Bentuk Pencegahan Hipertensi!” di Desa Kluncing, Licin, Banyuwangi 2024-03-24T10:26:22+00:00 Nafkha Nisa Nabila Septa Indra Puspikawati Diansanto Prayoga Avila Abilia Firrial Eksa Imelda Damayanti Anggi Margareta Putri Nur Uyun Loveni Melati Octavia Lailatu Rohmah Oktario Dinansa Muhamad Isa Fertika Nanda <p><em>Hypertension is a significant health issue in Indonesia, with a growing prevalence. Some individuals still lack attention and support for hypertension prevention. The “Let's Plant Celery for Hypertension Prevention” movement in Kluncing Village aims to address this problem. The purpose of this program is to empower the community to plant celery as one of the plants that can prevent hypertension. The community service approach was employed, beginning with problem identification and priority determination, and concluding with program implementation. Socialization efforts were undertaken to educate the community about the benefits of celery and the process of planting it. Over 100 celery seedlings were distributed to the community and regularly monitored. Observations showed that celery growth reached its peak in the fifth week, with an average height of 4.39cm. During the sixth and seventh weeks, the celery continued to grow well, reaching an average height of 3.56cm and 3.39cm, respectively. By the end of the seventh week, the celery had reached maturity, with an average height of 27.20cm, indicating that the plant had fully matured. This program is a concrete step towards preventing hypertension and improving public health, with the active participation of the community. Sustainable practices in celery planting and consumption are expected to continue in Kluncing Village to obtain optimal health benefits in the prevention of hypertension.</em></p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal Produksi Video Edukasi Antigratifikasi: Sebuah Kolaborasi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Antara Universitas dengan Lembaga Negara 2024-03-24T10:24:21+00:00 Petrus Damiami Sitepu Sita Dewi Wida Kurnianda Djamil Ari Dina Krestiawan Ignatius Krismawan <p><em>Universitas Multimedia Nusantara’s Film and Digital Journalism programs and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) collaborated to produce five documentary movies on anti-corruption as part of a community service program. The production of the documentary movies was funded by the KPK, which aims to use the documentary in their anti-corruption campaigns. We chose the documentary format to emphasize data and facts. The documentaries feature civil servants in different cities across Indonesia, who have received awards or acknowledgment for their anti-corruption commitment and efforts in their respective organizations. They are Rifqi Abdilah (Probolinggo, East Java), Budi Ali Hidayat (Cimahi, West Java), Achmad Nasution (Boyolali, Central Java), Badrul (Sumenep, East Java) and Musdalipa (Pangkajene Islands, South Sulawesi). This documentary uses a strong film approach, with elements of narrative and film style in audio and visual elements. The production of this documentary film uses the stages of documentary film production, namely research, pre-production, production, post-production, exhibition, and film distribution. The KPK will screen the documentary movies in their anti-corruption campaign events across the country. </em></p> 2024-04-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdimas Universal