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<p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/favicon.jpg"></p>Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)en-USAbdimas Universal2657-1439PKM Penyuluhan Kekerasan Seksual kepada Mahasiswa Program Studi Sosiologi Universitas Nusa Cendana
<p><em>Sexual violence is an act that deprives someone of their sense of security and undermines human security. Unequal power relationships between lecturers and students often lead to sexual assault in universities. Students who were victims of sexual violence were hesitant to disclose incidences of violence on campus because they were terrified, humiliated, or unsure how to do so. The team found that students lack understanding of the concept and forms of sexual violence, are unsure of how to report violence or sexual harassment, and are not aware of the formation of a Prevention Task Force to address sexual violence in the Nusa Cendana university setting. The goal of this service project is for students to learn about the various types of sexual violence and how to report it if it occurs on campus. The service activity employs a participatory method. This activity results in the election of Anti-Sexual Violence Ambassadors who serve as champions or spokespersons for preventing and overcoming sexual violence among students, and students are becoming more conscious of all sorts of sexual violence on campus.</em></p>Susana C. L. PelluLenny S. Bire ManoeAelsthri Ndandara
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2024-09-112024-09-11711910.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.517Penerapan Repacking pada Produk Rengginang Masagena di Kecamatan Konda
<p><em>Rengginang is a food that tends to be enjoyed by people in various regions, both urban and rural, because the price is cheap and accessible to all groups. Rengginang Masagena is one of the commercial products in Masagena Village, Konda District, which is produced by a community business group. However, the obstacle faced by this group is the lack of understanding of partners to improve the quality of packaging so that product sales slow down. This can be done especially to increase community income. The implementation of this service aims to help partners improve their knowledge and quality of packaging through training and direct materials. The results of the community service show that the knowledge and understanding of partners has increased significantly regarding the benefits of using standing pouches as new packaging to replace previously used plastic bags, and the knowledge of partners regarding their use. Likewise with the use of vacuum equipment and packaging presses used in rengginang packaging where partners improve in terms of understanding and direct practice, then partners also understand how to design and create brands/brands in packaging so that partners have products that have brands that ultimately the team hopes that partners can improve the quality and sales of rengginang products.</em></p>Syahruddin SyahruddinAhmad HamidJasman JasmanParamitha PurwitasariHasdi Syahid KasimAbdul Sarlan MenungsaAndi JulianaRoro Cahyani
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2024-09-112024-09-1171101710.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.525Pemetaan Kebersihan dan Perilaku Aman Pangan (PEKA-PANGAN) Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Derajat Kesehatan Masyarakat Tanjung Beringin
<p><em>Food safety is a global issue that directly affects a person's health. Foods that are unsafe to consume will cause various diseases from diarrhea to cancer. Around 420,000 people die every year from food poisoning. Various measures to prevent food poisoning must be taken from an early age, such as washing hands before and during food processing, preventing cross contamination, cooking food thoroughly and so on.</em> <em>Various measures to prevent food poisoning must be taken from an early age, such as washing hands before and during food processing, preventing cross contamination, cooking food thoroughly and so on. This community service was carried out in Pekan Tanjung Beringin Village with the aim of knowing food safety in the area. Service activities are carried out through five stages, namely socialization, data collection, data analysis and mapping, counseling and focus group discussions, and cross-sectoral outreach. From the results of data collection and analysis, policies are created that aim to improve the level of public health, especially in terms of food safety. A total of 15 hamlets with 398 participants were included in this service activity. In general, hamlets 1-15 are considered good in terms of food processing. There are certain points that must be improved together by the community, the Community Health Center, and the local government in assisting proper and safe food processing in the Tanjung Beringin area.</em></p>Sri AmeliaNenni Dwi Aprianti LubisFahrurrozi LubisDelyuzar Delyuzar
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2024-09-112024-09-1171182510.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.526Ecobricks Sebagai Edukasi Pengolahan dan Pemanfaatan Sampah Plastik untuk Siswa/i Sekolah Dasar
<p><em>Plastic waste is a significant global environmental issue with negative impacts on soil, water, air, and human health. Difficult to decompose, plastic accounts for about 15% of total domestic waste, and this issue is particularly acute in Bancer</em><em> Village</em><em>, Ngraho</em><em> District</em><em>, Bojonegoro</em><em> Regency</em><em>, which faces environmental pollution from plastic waste associated with schoolchildren's snacks. This community services aims to address the issue of plastic waste management in the village through an educational and practical ecobrick-making program involving students of SDN 1 Bancer. The program was conducted in two stages: first, a socialization effort on the classification of organic and inorganic waste to enhance students' awareness of the impact of plastic waste and the importance of waste segregation; second, a training session on creating ecobricks from plastic waste to demonstrate practical recycling applications. Results showed a significant improvement in students' understanding of waste classification, with 90% of students able to classify waste correctly after the socialization. The ecobrick-making training also provided practical skills for converting plastic waste into useful materials.</em> <em>This program positively contributes to waste management in Desa Bancer and has the potential to serve as a model for other communities. The awareness and skills developed are expected to bring significant improvements to environmental quality and promote sustainable waste management practices in the future.</em></p>Ardana Putri FarahdiansariYoga MaulanaNungki Dio FebriansaIzza Ahmad UtomoAnita Sari Al Khoirina
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2024-09-112024-09-1171263110.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.536Membangun Komunitas Desa Bersih Melalui Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM) untuk Mengurangi Penyebaran Penyakit di Desa Berembang
<p><em>Berembang Village, Muara Jambi District, exhibits vulnerability to disease spread due to substandard sanitation. The prevalent use of latrines, constructed and utilized extensively by the local community, particularly by residents near the Batanghari River, highlights this issue. Based on situational analysis, this community service aims to enhance awareness and availability of sanitation, specifically adequate latrines or toilets, and to develop a policy for Community-Based Total Sanitation (CBTS). To achieve these objectives, several strategies are employed: awareness campaigns about proper sanitation, provision of squat toilets to the less fortunate, and support in policy-making for sanitation program implementation. The outcomes of this community service include: (1) improved understanding of clean living practices through awareness campaigns, (2) distribution of seated toilets to the needy who lack such facilities, and; (3) drafting policies for the implementation of sanitation programs. Through this community service, it is hoped that the residents of Berembang Village will experience improvements in, and maintenance of, sanitation, and serve as a role model for other villages in addressing sanitation and public health challenges.</em></p>Fiqi Nurmanda SariNurfadliyati NurfadliyatiHendra GunawanImam Arifa’illah Syaiful HudaDodi Harianto
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2024-09-112024-09-1171323810.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.516Peningkatan Pengetahuan Keselamatan dan Keamanan Konstruksi Rumah Tinggal di Kelurahan Karang Joang, Kota Balikpapan
<p><em>In the context of residential development, safety and security in construction are essential components of the lifestyle of individuals. The geographical condition of Balikpapan, which is susceptible to natural disasters such as landslides, floods, and fires, presents additional obstacles to the provision of safe and secure housing infrastructure. An example of this is the landslide disaster that happened in Karang Joang Village in 2021, which was caused by a lack of awareness regarding the safety and security of residential construction. The resulting damage to numerous houses in the village was significant. This paper tries to examine the practical implementation of construction safety standards in residential homes, including the use of safe building techniques and appropriate materials, through community service activities. This program provided the community with a more comprehensive understanding of disaster risk management and enhanced their ability to take proactive and reactive measures in the event of an emergency. The results of the questionnaire distribution shows that there was a significant difference in the level of community knowledge. In terms of construction design knowledge, more than 50% (from 3 people to 13 people) of residents answered that they already knew the safe construction design after listening to the community service presentation. The same result also occurred in the knowledge of methods, more than 50% (from 3 people to 11 people) of respondents have known the right construction method for their area after attending this community service presentation.</em></p>Indira AnggrianiRiyan Benny SukmaraAriyaningsih Ariyaningsih
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2024-09-162024-09-1671394510.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.521Strategi Pemanfaatan Nanas Lokal Melalui Diversifikasi Sirup dalam Pemberdayaan UMKM di Desa Tanjung Baru
<p><em>Most farmers in Tanjung Baru Village sell pineapples directly without processing, leading to suboptimal economic value. To address this issue, training is essential to enhance the added value of processed pineapple products. This community service initiative aims to improve the utilization of local pineapples in Tanjung Baru Village, Lembak Subdistrict, Muara Enim Regency, while also empowering farmers and MSME actors through product diversification. It consists of four stages: first, conducting surveys in pineapple farms and problem analysis to identify the potential and challenges faced by farmers and MSME actors; second, interviewing farm owners and MSME actors to gather information on farm management, production processes, and challenges; third, focusing on socialization regarding the processing of pineapples into value-added products such as pineapple syrup, along with entrepreneurial education on packaging techniques and basic financial calculations; and finally, emphasizing product packaging education by providing training on selecting appropriate packaging types, designs, and materials to ensure product quality, safety, and market appeal. The expected outcomes of this community service are to enhance the knowledge of farmers and MSME actors, improve product processing and packaging, and boost the local economy through the production of value-added pineapple syrup.</em></p>Jihan EpriyaniFadia ChaisaraniMelia Sari Onika PutriSherly Adithia Putri UtamiDefri AnugraBudi SetiawanVhika Meirisari
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2024-09-162024-09-1671465210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.542Aktif dan Higienis: Program Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam Mendorong Perilaku Sehat di Desa Ramea Kabupaten Pandeglang
<p><em>Healthy and hygienic behaviors are crucial for improving public health, particularly in rural areas. This community service program aims to promote healthy behaviors in Ramea Village, Pandeglang Regency, through regular exercise and handwashing activities. Exercise sessions are held at the Ramea Village field near the student post, involving community members of all ages, both young and old. Meanwhile, handwashing activities are conducted at MI Darul Huda Elementary School. The method involves direct socialization with the community and school children, facilitated by KKM students. The results of this program indicate that the Ramea Village community responded positively and enthusiastically participated in the exercise sessions held every Sunday and the handwashing practices among elementary school children, leading to an increased awareness and adoption of healthy living behaviors within the community.</em></p>Yania FebsiRizal Maulana HasbyFajar FajarAnnisa NoviantiGilang Syahdu ShihabRatna Rizky FitrianiTri Lulu OktavianaNamira Rahmi RizqiaFitra FitraRio Ahmad OktavianaFini Sofiani
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2024-09-162024-09-1671535710.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.546Peningkatan Kompetensi dan Pembuatan Teknologi Terbaru Beton Porous di Jurusan Teknik Konstruksi dan Perumahan SMKN 1 Balikpapan
<p><em>The city of Balikpapan has many flood points every year,.Flood events are a priority issue for the Balikpapan City Government, in 2017 there was an increase in flood events by 89 incidents. To solve this problem is to apply the construction with the latest environmentally friendly technology, namely porous concrete so that surface water can seep into the ground and can become a groundwater reserve. Porous concrete is the latest type of concrete technology with high porosity which is applied as a concrete plate which allows rainwater and water from other sources to pass through. Limited facilities and infrastructure, lack of teaching staff relevant to the Construction and Housing Study Program at SMKN 1 Balikpapan School so that they cannot carry out concrete manufacturing and testing because this is a basic competency that every student must have. The activity began by formulating a program that was relevant to the knowledge and research of the PkM team of the Civil Engineering Department of the Balikpapan State Polytechnic and the problems that exist around Balikpanan City. SMKN 1 Balikpapan to carry out follow-up activities or programs to be implemented, activity planning, activity schedules and activity output. The activities were carried out for 2 days which included socialization and practice of making porous concret.</em></p>Karmila AchmadTotok SulistyoSunarno SunarnoMariatul KiptiahMohammad Isram M. Ain
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2024-09-162024-09-1671586410.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.512Strategi Percepatan Penurunan Angka Stunting Melalui Pendampingan Terpadu di Kelurahan Kademangan Kota Probolinggo
<p><em>Kademangan District, Probolinggo City, East Java has a fairly high stunting rate, reaching 33.4% in 2020. This condition is caused by various factors, such as poverty, less than optimal parenting practices, and limited access to health services. To accelerate the reduction in stunting rates in this area, the Probolinggo City government has implemented various interventions, including programs providing additional food,nutrition education, and increasing access to health services. However, more comprehensive and sustainable efforts are still needed to address the problem of stunting effectively. This community service aims to increase the knowledge and skills of the community in Kademangan District in implementing good parenting and nutritional practices to prevent stunting in children. The methods used include counseling, providing additional food, as well as ongoing assistance and monitoring. The results of the activity show an increase in mothers' knowledge and practice in feeding, health care and stimulating children's growth and development. Apart from that, there has been a decrease in the prevalence of stunting in the target areas. It is hoped that this effort can become a model for comprehensive and sustainable stunting interventions in the future.</em></p>Eko WahyonoSupriyanto SupriyantoHusni MubaroqSiti Nur FadilahKhoridatil BahiyahMohammad Fryo
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2024-09-232024-09-2371657210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.548Pemanfaatan Potensi Lokal Buah Pisang Dalam Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Desa Tambakrejo, Kecamatan Tambakrejo
<p><em>Indonesia is an agricultural country with a variety of natural products that are very abundant, one of which is banana fruit. One of the areas with banana producers in East Java province such as Tambakrejo village, Tambakrejo sub-district, Bojonegoro Regency. The KKNTK-14 team of Bojonegoro University held product innovation training in the form of chocolate banana chips to increase the value of bananas. This activity is based on the fact that many bananas are sold only in the form of fruit directly in the market so that unsold fruit will rot and lose. This women's empowerment activity through training aims to increase the selling value of bananas which will encourage increased sales and can help increase the income of sellers or business actors. This activity was carried out on August 05, 2024 with the location of the activity at Tambakrejo Village Hall. The targets of this women's empowerment program are PKK mothers and MSME players in Tambakrejo Village. The implementation of women's empowerment activities goes through several stages such as the preparation stage, the material preparation stage and the activity implementation stage. Based on the implementation of these activities, it can be said that the participants were very enthusiastic in practicing what had been conveyed by the implementer regarding the processing of melted chocolate banana chips at each stage. This activity provides benefits for women in Tambakrejo Village to maximize the existing local potential and improve skills that will later be able to help them improve their livelihood.</em></p>Risa Anggi SafitriDewi SuwatiningsihDyah Setyaningrum
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2024-09-232024-09-2371737710.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.541Strategi Pemasaran UMKM di Desa Lubuk Enau Melalui Media Banner dan Google Maps
<p>This Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKN) aims to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Lubuk Enau Village in improving marketing strategies through the use of Banner Media and Google Maps. MSMEs in this village face challenges in reaching a wider market due to limited accessibility and lack of knowledge about digital marketing technology. Therefore, the KKN team took the initiative to introduce and implement two promotional media that could significantly increase business visibility. Through this activity, the KKN team provides training and assistance to MSMEs on how to design and install effective banners, as well as how to register and optimize their business locations on Google Maps. The KKN team successfully provided training and mentoring to 31 MSMEs, which resulted in increased business visibility through the installation of attractive banners and location registration on Google Maps. The enthusiasm of MSME actors for digital marketing increased, which is expected to strengthen relationshio with consumers and support local economic growth. This activity is an example of the implementation of a marketing strategy that can be adopted by other villages with similar characteristics.</p>Icha ChandraSutra Meilani RizkiMalik HakimAyu Lestari Setia NingrumWiradinata KaraihandakReny Aziatul PebrianiSiti Komariah HildayantiHerda Sabriyah Dara Kospa
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2024-09-232024-09-2371788310.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.550Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Memori Otak dan Digitalisasi Pembelajaran Sains dengan Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif: ThingLink
<p><em>The digital era has brought major changes to the education, including Science learning at the junior high school level. However, science learning at the junior high school level still needs several challenges, such as a lack of variety in learning media, low interest in learning science, and limited students' ability to understand science concepts. Based on these problems, the Physics Laboratory of Universitas Trisakti held a Community Service (PkM) activity in collaboration with MGMP IPA of Tangerang. Service activities are carried out in the form of training for science teachers with training materials to improve brain memory abilities and training on the digitalization of science learning with ThingLink interactive media. Teachers are often faced with various challenges in teaching, including the complexity of science material, the rapid development of science and the high workload of teachers. Training to improve brain memory abilities can help improve teachers' ability to remember information, focus and concentrate. Furthermore, training on digitizing science learning using ThingLink is considered important to carry out. ThingLink is a digital platform that allows the creation of interactive science learning content, simulations and virtual experiments that are interesting and easy for students to understand. This PkM activity can increase teacher competency and professionalism in teaching, so that it can improve the quality of science learning in the classroom. This training can be carried out sustainably by collaborating with more educational partners.</em></p>Ika Wahyu UtamiBambang Cholis SuudiLarasati Rizky PutriAhmad FarhanMuhammad NajihAhmad Roqy MustafidanMuhammad Luthfi Ismail
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2024-10-112024-10-1171849010.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.513Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Canva sebagai Media Pembelajaran Membaca dan Berhitung Bernuansa Banjar untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar
<p><em>Instructional media encompasses all resources that can be utilized to systematically convey content from educators to students, thereby facilitating effective and efficient learning. The objective of this community service initiative is to provide educational media for reading and arithmetic, including cards, posters, and videos, by leveraging the Canva application. The method employed in the execution of this initiative involves mentoring during the learning process and training in the use of the Canva application. Data collection techniques include a pre-test to assess students' initial reading and arithmetic abilities, followed by a post-test to evaluate any subsequent improvements in these skills. The results indicate a significant enhancement in students' reading abilities, with an increase of 28 points, and a 23-point improvement in arithmetic skills. Additionally, this activity has enabled teachers to become more acquainted with the Canva application, which has proven to be beneficial in the creation and development of instructional media.</em></p>Tika ArnidaLisnadia LisnadiaSiti NurraYolanda YolandaRatna DilaRahmatya Nurmeidina
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2024-10-302024-10-3071919610.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.338Pembuatan Biobriket dari Limbah Kayu UMKM Sebagai Energi Alternatif Rumah Tangga di Desa Bancer
<p><em>Teak wood is one of the main commodities in various regions of Indonesia. Many areas cultivate this wood due to the high demand, especially in the furniture industry. Teak wood is favored because it has high aesthetic and economic value. In Bancer Village, there are more than 10 furniture MSMEs, which can produce a total of 70 sacks of sawdust waste daily. The local community has not yet fully realized the potential of this sawdust waste. This community service aims to utilize sawdust waste into bio-briquettes, as an alternative fuel that can improve the local economy. Bio-briquettes are renewable, environmentally friendly alternative fuels. The implementation is carried out through several stages, including surveys, observations, bio-briquette making practices, and product evaluation. Surveys are conducted to determine the potential and needs of SMEs in Bancer Village. Observations are made to study the furniture production process and sawdust waste management. The making of bio-briquettes begins with burning sawdust into charcoal, mixing it with starch as a binder, molding the mixture, and drying it. The results of the community service show that the produced bio-briquettes have the potential as an environmentally friendly and economical alternative fuel. Socialization and training on bio-briquette making to SME owners and the Youth Organization of Bancer Village showed high enthusiasm.</em></p>M. Jaza As siddiqiAllichia Errika SyafitriSandhy KurniawanArdana Putri Farahdiansari
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2024-10-302024-10-30719710310.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.545Sosialisasi Strategi Branding E-Commerce pada Pelaku UMKM di Kelurahan Manggar
<p><em>University of Balikpapan continues to innovate in providing benefits to the community through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. Manggar Village KKN students carried out E-Commerce Branding Socialization activities as a better marketing and financial monitoring medium. This activity was attended by MSME actors in the local Manggar Village area which was held on August 25, 2024. This socialization activity aims to introduce and increase understanding of the use of digital technology, especially the E-Commerce system as a marketing tool for MSME actors. This activity method is carried out in 2 stages, namely the preparation stage and the implementation stage of the activity. Through digital marketing, MSMEs have wider opportunities to market products and a larger market reach. With this knowledge and skills, it is hoped that MSME actors can optimize market potential through digital marketing and are expected to be able to empower MSME actors to be able to compete in a better digital era. The results of this activity were that 85 MSME actors attended this activity and the enthusiasm of the participants to ask questions in this activity.</em></p>Nur IsmiyatiJumriana JumrianaAndhika Ade Rizki ASukono Hadi PrasetyoAudrey Putri PrasetyaMuhammad Anwar FarrasRezki Abdul RahmanGery Andra Putra PratamaPutra Chandra Rachmat AlimMuhammad Fadel HarisAmirullah AmirullahRony Yahya
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2024-10-302024-10-307110410910.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.1793PKM Edukasi Pemilahan Sampah untuk Anak TK Unyil Makassar dalam Mewujudkan Lingkungan Bersih Sejak Dini
<p><em>The waste problem in Indonesia has become unavoidable due to the increase in population and daily community activities. In facing this challenge, early education plays an important role in forming positive mindsets and habits regarding waste management. This article presents a community engagement project aimed at educating young children about waste management. Implemented at Unyil Kindergarten, the program consists of interactive sessions and a scrapbook workshop. Results showed enthusiastic participation and understanding among children, highlighting the effectiveness of the interactive approach. Scrapbooking activities serve as a practical evaluation tool, demonstrating children's ability to apply knowledge. This initiative also creates opportunities for parents and teachers to get involved in the learning process, reinforcing concepts taught in the classroom, and extending its positive impact to the home environment and surrounding communities. With a fun and hands-on approach, children not only understand the importance of waste management but also feel motivated to take concrete action in their daily lives. Through collaboration between educational institutions and the community, this project provides a real example of how early education can be the key to forming future generations who care about the environment and have a high awareness of their responsibilities towards this earth.</em></p>Jessica JessicaEvelyn EvelynEvelyn DjuranovikSteven Christian ChandraCarolina Novi Mustikarini
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2024-10-302024-10-307111011610.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.1942Pelatihan Digitalisasi Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi Batik di Sanggar Batik Kembang Mayang
<p><em>The recognition of Batik as one of Indonesia's Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO has increased interest in batik products both locally and internationally. The batik industry has also developed into one of the development priorities because it has leverage for national economic growth. Sanggar Batik Kembang Mayang is one of the MSMEs that not only produces batik cloth but also provides educational tourism facilities for the batik-making process. Sanggar Batik Kembang Mayang faces problems related to less-than-optimal raw material management. This manual recording system is prone to errors and affects the production process. Therefore, the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Trisakti University, conducted a Community Service (PkM) program with the theme of Digitalization Training for Batik Production Planning and Control. The form of PkM activities is training on the process of planning and controlling batik production as well as the application of the process of managing raw materials and orders with the MS. Excel application. The training results showed that 67% of participants strongly agreed that the training was interesting and useful. In terms of understanding the material, 56% of participants also stated that they understood enough, and 33% answered that they understood production planning and control very well.</em></p>Idriwal MayusdaAnnisa Dewi AkbariAgung Sasongko Didien SuhardiniMuhammad Luthfi IsmailDion Timothy Kaban
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2024-12-162024-12-167111712210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.745Filter Air Sederhana untuk Kebutuhan Air Bersih Warga Jalan Sei Wain RT 36, Kelurahan Karang Joang, Kecamatan Balikpapan Utara
<p><em>Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) 2024 service activities will be held on Jl. Sei Wain RT. 36 Kel. Karang Joang, </em><em>Kec. </em><em>Balikpapan Utara, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan was compiled based on the partner's problem, namely the availability of clean water in the area</em><em>. The use of unclean water has an impact on the health quality of residents of RT 36, such as irritation and itching on residents' skin. Based on these problems, the ITK community service team decided to create appropriate technology, is a simple water filter that can improve the quality of clean water for residents of RT 36. Community service activities begin with field reviews, partner coordination, mapping of problems and solutions such as water quality tests used by partners, literature studies on the appropriate technology applied, water filter design and material purchases, filter manufacturing on site with partners, water quality testing of filtered results, measuring the impact of the application of appropriate technology on partners, closing the event at the partner's location. Based on a visual inspection of the filtered groundwater of RT 36 residents, it is known that the color of the water has become clearer, reducing the smell of iron and dissolved sediment. The results of the questionnaire stated that 80% agreed that the application of water filters provided benefits and improved water quality, but 35% of residents had difficulty in assembling and making the water filters.</em></p>Faisal MantaDoddy SuangganaHadhimas Dwi HRidwan HaliqDevy Setiorini Sa’adiyahRijal Surya RahmanyYongki Christandi BatubaraI Made Ivan Wiyarta Cakra SujanaMuhammad Syahmi ZufadliDinda Khoirunnisa HidayatDefiana MarshantyaDestyana Putri SyaharaniDhio StofaniGrendy Ary Krishna RajagukgukAriesta YuikeFerry Adi Saputra
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2024-12-162024-12-167112312810.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.1791Peningkatan Ketrampilan Pengrajin Mebel Melalui Pelatihan Perancangan Produk dari Limbah Hasil Produksi
<p><em>Jepara Regency's leading products are carvings and furniture. These superior products are concentrated in Ngabul Village and Sukodono Village, Tahunan District, Jepara Regency. The partners in this service are Srijaya Indofurniture and I-Design Furniture which operates in the furniture sector and is already on an export scale. Even though partners have exported, they also experience several problems, one of which is the management aspect, namely: a) there are still difficulties in analyzing production planning so that a lot of raw materials are wasted and b) lack of partner knowledge in processing wood waste into products of marketable value. The methods used to overcome this problem are socialization of activities, training on processing furniture waste, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation of activities. The results of this activity are for partner employees to increase their knowledge in processing furniture waste into products with sales value and aesthetics.</em></p>Zaenal ArifinNur Aeni WidiastutiAchmad ZainudinAgustina WidodoAchmad Syafiul NiamirroykhanMuhammad Reza Ahsanun NajidReihan SaputraRyan Artalopa
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2024-12-162024-12-167112913310.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.1910Penerapan Teknologi Kompor Oli Bekas dan Minyak Jelantah pada UMKM Tanaya di Kelurahan Sepinggan
<p><em>Used oil stove is one of the appropriate technologies that utilizes waste oil and cooking oil. In order to help MSMEs in Sepinggan Village, the B1A KKN XVI group of Balikpapan University designed a used oil stove work program. The purpose of </em><em>the application of used oil and cooking oil stove technology is to help MSMEs to save expenses and utilize existing waste so as to obtain maximum profit with minimal production costs. In the application of used oil and cooking oil stove technology, there are two stages, namely: the preparation stage and the implementation stage. This work program produces appropriate technology that can increase the production of Tanaya MSMEs in Sepinggan Village so that it can increase income turnover and reduce fuel expenses because the potential of Tanaya MSMEs is very good to increase the value of the community's economic income.</em></p>Ahmad Zaki Syahwaludin
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2024-12-162024-12-167113414210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.1915Perbaikan Instalasi Air Bersih Gedung Sekretariat Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan Telaga Sari
<p><em>The community service activity in this article discusses efforts to improve clean water installation in the secretariat building of a community empowerment institution to enhance efficiency and service quality. Adequate clean water installation is crucial to support community empowerment activities but is often overlooked. Through infrastructure improvement and enhancement, this community services provides concrete solutions to address clean water supply issues in the secretariat building of the institution. The improvement method involves a comprehensive evaluation of the water pipe installation system, selection of HDPE pipe types, and appropriate implementation methods to minimize the potential for leaks. The application of this solution is expected to increase the availability and continuity of clean water, reduce maintenance burdens, and enhance water usage efficiency. The community service activity indicate that improving clean water installation in institutional buildings significantly enhances service quality and positively impacts the sustainability of community empowerment activities. These efforts align with sustainable development principles and can serve as a model for similar institutions to enhance basic infrastructure supporting community empowerment missions.</em></p>Miswaty MiswatyWidya Widya
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2024-12-162024-12-167114314710.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.486Sosialisai Mitigasi Bencana Alam dan Bangunan Tahan Gempa di Desa Cibenda Kecamatan Parigi Kabupaten Pangandaran
<p><em>Indonesia is highly susceptible to natural disasters, resulting in significant casualties and economic losses. The Pangandaran Regency in West Java is particularly vulnerable, especially to earthquakes and tsunamis. In 2006, a shallow earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 triggered a tsunami along the Pangandaran coastline, primarily affecting residential, commercial, tourism, and industrial areas. The risk of disasters is a priority due to the proximity of the coast to the subduction zone and the region's history of earthquakes and tsunamis. In response to this potential threat, the Civil Engineering Study Program at Widyatama University organized a Community Service Activity focused on promoting earthquake-resistant buildings and establishing a mitigation corner to support disaster mitigation efforts in Cibenda Village, Parigi District, Pangandaran Regency. The activity involved providing educational materials on earthquake-resistant construction, setting up a mitigation corner, and distributing evacuation tools for disaster response. It is hoped that this initiative will enhance community knowledge about earthquake-resistant buildings and the use of disaster evacuation tools. The results showed a significant increase in the understanding and awareness of disaster-resilient construction and mitigation among the residents of Cibenda Village.</em></p>Fuad HasanRaden Herdian Bayu Ash SiddiqYanyan AgustianAsep SetiawanBambang Eko WidyantoAzis Ali Wibowo
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2025-01-092025-01-097114815310.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.528Pelatihan SIAPIK di Kelurahan Sumberrejo Kecamatan Balikpapan Tengah
<p><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have a very important role in increasing economic growth in Indonesia. The problem of MSMEs that often occurs is the recording of financial statements that have not been done properly. MSMEs consider recording financial statements difficult, complicated, and do not yet have the need for accounting applications. This service aims to help compile and record the financial statements of Bank Indonesia's fostered partners. One of the efforts made by Bank Indonesia is to encourage business capacity building and access to MSME financing by providing a means of recording financial statements. Bank Indonesia has created a web-based and mobile-based financial statement recording application called SIAPIK. SIAPIK is a digital-based financial recording application that is expected to make it easier for MSMEs to record their finances so that it can be a solution for MSME financial access to upgrade. The results of the survey on the quality of SIAPIK training can be concluded that the average assessment from participants of the implementation of the SIAPIK ToT is very good.</em></p>Rahajeng Cahyaning Putri CiptoDidik HadiyatnoDwi SusilowatiWiwik SaraswatiJuwari JuwariYudhi HendrawanNadi Hernadi MoorcyPutri Ramadya NoviantiMuhammad Dzaky Firdaus
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2025-01-092025-01-097115415910.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2629Peran Dosen Dalam Pelatihan Pembukuan UMKM di Kecamatan Balikpapan Tengah
<p><em>The bookkeeping training for MSMEs in Balikpapan Tengah District aims to improve the understanding and skills of MSMEs groups in calculating, recording, bookkeeping, and managing business finances. This training is expected to help the development of MSMEs, ultimately enhancing competitiveness and community welfare. The activities were carried out through training and mentoring using the siApik application, starting with a survey of participants who own or mentor MSMEs in the district. The results of the training are expected to improve participants' skills in structured financial bookkeeping and to enhance their understanding of using the siApik application to boost MSMEs performance.</em></p>Tutik YulianiDwi SusilowatiDika Karlinda SariHairul AnamWiwik SaraswatiTamzil YusufIchsan FajarDzaky Firdaus
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2025-01-092025-01-097116016610.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2627Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelompok Usaha Budidaya Itik Petelur dengan Pemberian Pakan Prebiotik di Desa Pallangga Kabupaten Gowa
<p><em>Community empowerment is related to efforts to overcome development problems such as unemployment, poverty, and inequality. Pallangga Village allows for community-based development (empowerment) because it has extensive natural resources in the field of animal husbandry. Increasing income through laying duck cultivation needs to continue even though the results are still inadequate and do not meet expectations. This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills for partners in an effort to increase income through laying duck cultivation. The target of this activity is the BUMDES group in Pallangga Village. This activity was held on July 11 2024 and August 29 2024 at the Pallangga village meeting hall. The training method implemented consisted of delivering material, discussions and questions and answers, as well as demonstrations on making prebiotic feed for cultivating laying ducks. The results of the activity showed that the people (BUMDES) of Pallangga Village were very enthusiastic about taking part in the training activities, seen from the number of participants attending and active, from previously less enthusiastic residents to more enthusiastic and enthusiastic participants, numbering 25 people. The results of this activity can increase the production of laying ducks as measured by the number of ducks that lay eggs every day and an increase in the number of ducks that lay eggs.</em></p>Beddu TangSamsualam SamsualamAnwar AnwarAndi Waliana SyaggafDanial Danial
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2025-01-092025-01-097116717210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2628Transformasi Zero Waste Lifestyle: Pemberdayaan Bank Sampah Berkah di Desa Karanganyar Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme
<p><em>The empowerment of the Berkah Waste Bank Community in Karanganyar Village aims to transform a zero-waste lifestyle through eco-enzyme training. This community service project was motivated by the vital role of waste banks in reducing waste volume through the collection, sorting, and recycling of economically valuable waste. However, managing organic waste has been a challenge due to limited awareness and knowledge of sustainable organic waste management and inadequate infrastructure. The primary goal of this program is to enhance the capacity and independence of the Berkah Waste Bank Community in effectively managing organic waste. The methods implemented included socialization, training, technology application, mentoring, and program evaluation. The intended outcomes were increased productivity and independence of the community, improved quality of organic waste processing, and enhanced welfare of members through eco-enzyme technology adoption. Initial results showed that training and mentoring significantly increased participants' knowledge, skills, and productivity in waste processing, promoting the adoption of sustainable organic waste practices. </em></p>Fitri Adi SetyoriniM. Aris PujiyantoHanim Rahayuani RatnaningsihRizkia Anandhita PutriShabrina Khalisah Ibrahim
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2025-01-092025-01-097117318110.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2300Program Latihan dan Komunikasi Pemenuhan Activity Daily Living Pasien Pasca Stroke dengan Gangguan Kognitif
<p><em>Cognitive impairment is one of the side effects that often occurs in stroke patients which will reduce the patient's ability to fulfill the daily needs of Activity Daily Living (ADL) that can cause a decrease in the quality of life so that it causes healing to be long, the length of hospitalization extends, becomes an economic and social burden on the families. The physical and cognitive disabilities experienced also cause various nursing problems. It is very important for nurses to recognize the occurrence of cognitive impairment in post-stroke patients starting from assessment and if there is cognitive impairment, so that nurses can intervene with exercise therapy and communication in cognitive impairment of stroke patients. The method used is training with evaluation in the form of pre and post tests. The material provided is an assessment of cognitive impairment and a communication training program for ADL fulfillment in post-stroke patients with cognitive impairment consisting of 2 two sessions and followed by a question and answer discussion session and role play using digital media. The results showed an increase in knowledge and skills of nurses in assessing cognitive impairment and training and communication of ADL fulfillment in post-stroke patients with cognitive impairment.</em></p>Fransiska Anita Ekawati Rahayu Sa'pangMery SamboThomas SohartoFelisima GanutMeliana GauDwi Anugrah
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2025-01-092025-01-097118218710.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2438Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Hipertensi Melalui Edukasi Kolaboratif Antarprofesi Kesehatan dengan Poster "CINTA SEGAR"
<p><em>Hypertension is a chronic disease with a high prevalence worldwide, including in Indonesia. If not managed properly, it can significantly reduce the quality of life of those affected. Innovations in public education are being carried out through a collaborative approach among health professions. The community service program implemented by the collaborative team aims to evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative education in improving the quality of life of hypertension patients.</em> <em>This activity was carried out in Dusun Ngemplak, Desa Sambon, involving doctors and midwives. The methods used included family health assessments, education through posters, and the implementation of Interprofessional Collaboration (IPE).</em> <em>The results from the collaborative community service show that the education provided had a positive impact on hypertension patients, leading to an increase in knowledge and adherence to hypertension treatment. The quality of life of hypertension patients also improved as a result of the successful education provided by the interprofessional collaboration team.</em> <em>Interprofessional collaborative education is effective in improving the quality of life of hypertension patients. This approach can serve as a valuable model for hypertension management efforts</em><em> for the hypertension patients</em>.</p>Siti MunawarohAisyah KoesmawarniArum Diah PuspitaDanindra Rizq AdhirajasaFanny AnggrainiFirda Friyantika
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2025-01-092025-01-097118819510.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2625Pendampingan Manajemen Kapasitas Produksi Pada Industri Tas
<p><em>PT TIJ is a women's bag company located in Cilodong - Depok which has grown with family management. Companies need to share knowledge regarding plans to increase bag production capacity to meet customer demand. This Community Service Activity (CSA) is a continuation of outreach and mentoring activities. Based on the evaluation results of previous PkM activities and the results of discussions with the company during mentoring, it can be seen that the production line experiencing production capacity problems is the bag assembly line. The company needs further activities to achieve the company's production targets which continue to increase both in variety and production capacity. Industrial partners are expected to have an understanding of the concept of production capacity and its calculations as well as strategic plans to increase production capacity following increasing demand. PkM activities aim to provide counseling and assistance regarding calculating production capacity and strategies for increasing production capacity on bag assembly lines. The implementation of PkM has been carried out well and has been confirmed to be able to improve company performance through improving production capacity management. Furthermore, PkM is expected to focus on improving the company's human resources.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Iveline Anne MarieEmelia SariAhmad FarhanAnik Nur HabybaParwadi MoenginAmal WitonohadiYunita Friscilia SuryanaShadrina Putri NabilaAhmad Ilham
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2025-01-092025-01-097119620210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2439Photovoltaic untuk Mesin Pengasap Ikan Berbasis Kearifan Pakan Lokal dalam Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Karangrejo Bonang Demak
<p><em>Posyandu Klitih Karangrejo Bonang Demak is a partner in community partnership empowerment that has health problems, namely stunted children in Karangrejo village, so that the health conditions of mothers and children need special attention. Maternal and child health that needs attention from many parties, especially in Karangrejo village because there are still children with stunting conditions. Bonang District has potential for marine products, because its area has sea and is a producer of tuna fish in Demak district. The purpose of this program is to improve maternal and child health by training the community in the skills of making smoked fish based on solar power or photovoltaic and the community's ability in marketing by optimizing internet marketing. Increasing community business opportunities, increasing community skills and abilities to start smoked fish production, besides that of course the expected results together are increased public health and no new stunting rates.</em></p>Munaf IsmailSukarno Budi UtomHanifatur Rosyidah
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2025-01-092025-01-097120320810.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2400Financial Literacy Workshop to Intervene Consumption Patterns of Rural Areas in Malang
<p>This study explores the economic, educational, and infrastructural challenges in Srigonco Village, Bantur District, Malang Regency, Indonesia. The village's dependence on agriculture makes it economically vulnerable, while limited educational opportunities and inadequate infrastructure further hinder development. The study emphasises the critical role of financial literacy in empowering residents to make informed financial decisions and better utilise financial services. By implementing Training of Trainers (ToT) programs, the village can enhance financial management skills and promote economic resilience. Improved financial literacy is expected to lead to increased asset ownership, participation in productive activities, and long-term economic stability, ultimately improving the quality of life for the community.</p>Thomas SosecoFebry WijayantiLustina Fajar PrastiwiInayati Nuraini DwiputriFajar FirmansyahTania Putri FanisaLutfi Asnan Qodri
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2025-01-092025-01-097120921610.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2397Pemeriksaan Status Gizi Santri Sebagai Upaya Skrining dan Pencegahan Penyakit Infeksi
<p><em>Nutrition is a contributing factor in the maintenance of optimal immune system functions. Disturbances in nutritional status, such as malnutrition, would impact various structures, mediators, and processes in the immune system in responding to pathogenic infections, hence increasing vulnerability to infections. Adolescents are an age group often considered “healthy”, but screening in this age group proves important in reassuring optimal growth and development, which in turn will also impact the next generation. Pesantren is an Indonesian educational institution serving adolescents with a boarding school system, so it is of high importance for adolescent santri to know their own nutritional status in preventing infectious diseases. This community service event was held at Pesantren Thawalib Sriwijaya to inform about the importance of nutritional status in prevention of infectious diseases. The activities comprised of classical counseling and anthropometric measurement of participating santri. There were 42 participating santri attending Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) in this event, and plotting results showed most santri had normal nutritional status. However, nutritional status monitoring and awareness to infectious disease still needs to be kept up, as there are various other factors that may influence the spread of various infectious diseases.</em></p>Rizki Andini NawawiElla AmaliaTia SabrinaErizka RivaniRima ZanariaMasayu Farah DibaDoni UsmanMuhammad Sadad Al-FayedZefianto ZefiantoAchmad Rifky AnsyoriM. Syafi'i Mansur
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2025-01-092025-01-097121722210.36277/abdimasuniversal.v7i1.2396Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Ramah Lingkungan Berbasis Eco-Enzyme di Yayasan Amal Ikhlas Mandiri Tasikmalaya
<p><em>Organic waste can decompose naturally, but organic waste also has the potential to damage the environment. Piles of organic waste that do not receive oxygen can produce dangerous methane gas. Piles of organic waste are a habitat for animals such as mice, flies, cockroaches, and mosquitoes. These animals carry infectious diseases through various bacteria and viruses. One way to reduce waste reaching final disposal sites is to process organic waste at the household level so that it has economic benefits and added value. The solution offered in this Community Service (PKM) is to process fresh organic waste, namely fresh vegetable waste and fresh fruit peels, and utilize the enzyme content of these organic materials through anaerobic fermentation, which produces coenzymes. The eco-enzyme produced is processed into a solid eco-enzyme soap derivative product. Apart from being used for household purposes, it can also be sold, increasing family income. Community service is carried out in collaboration with the Ikhlas Mandiri Charitable Foundation. The PKM was carried out in Pagerageung village, Tasikmalaya Regency. The results of the PkM showed that the participants felt capable of making eco-enzyme soap and were interested in making it in the future. Factors that support the sustainability of PKM activities are the availability of organic waste (fresh fruit and vegetable peels), coconut oil as a raw material for soap, and the support of the Yayasan Amal Ikhlas Mandiri.</em></p>Pudji AstutiRahmi MaulidyaDadang SurjasaTiena Gustina AmranDocki SaraswatiParwadi MoenginAgung SasongkoAnik Nur HabybaIndah Permata Sari
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